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How to Get Enough Calcium With a Dairy Free Diet

One of the biggest concerns people express when switching to a dairy free diet is whether or not they will get enough calcium. You don't need milk products to fulfill your calcium needs; there are plenty of other foods which provide calcium. In fact, some of the foods which are richest in this valuable mineral have nothing to do with milk
Just because a food has calcium doesn't mean it will be well-absorbed. One study comparing the absorption rate of calcium from milk and kale showed that the calcium in milk is only absorbed at 32% while that in kale is taken in at 41%
Bean Bonuses
Not only do beans contain plenty of fiber and protein, many are a good source of calcium as well. Navy 
beans tip the scales with 140mg of calcium per cup, pinto and garbanzo beans have about 100mg for the same serving size and even lentil contain 50mg in a cup
Make some lentil soup and add some kale - a leafy green rich in calcium, and you are well on your way to meeting your daily requirement
Sea Vegetables Float Up

For fans of sushi this is doubly good news. After all, deep sea, wild caught fish are ideal sources of protein, heart healthy fats and calcium all by themselves
Add some nori, which contains 1200mg of calcium per cup, and you have a calcium party going on. Kombu and wakame have 2100mg and 3500mg respectively. Tasty salads can be made with either
Grab a Grain

Some grains are naturally rich in calcium as well. Oats, for example, will contribute 40mg of calcium in a cup and quinoa, the only grain that also provides a complete protein, has 80mg in the same portion
Greens Top the List

What is even more impressive, and important to know, is that dark leafy greens are exceptional sources of calcium. Cooked bok choi and collards each have 300mg of calcium in a cup. Spinach has 250mg, and kale 200mg and both are highly adaptable in all sorts of cuisine. If you prefer a green with a bit of a kick, mustard greens are ideal and have 180mg of calcium when cooked
Vitamins Essential for Calcium Absorption

Vitamin D, the precursor of which is made by your body when you are exposed to sunlight, is critical for the absorption of calcium. Debate over how much time to spend in the sun is extensive, but 15 minutes daily, without sun block, is plenty
Vitamin C aids absorption as well. Having a food rich in vitamin C when you eat calcium rich foods will increase your body's ability to absorb what you give it
Lysine, an amino acid found in whole eggs and fish also aids in calcium absorption
Soft drinks, other foods which contain a great deal of phosphorus, and high protein diets block calcium absorption
Dairy Free is part of a Healthy Eating Plan

While many people believe, falsely, that milk is the best way to obtain necessary calcium, many studies have reached other conclusions. Not only do dairy products not do much to increase bone density, the fats associated with milk products are usually saturated, elevating the risk of heart disease
Some cancers are directly associated with compounds found in cow's milk, and lactose intolerance is a frequent cause behind indigestion, diarrhea and flatulence. In fact, there is little good to say about commercially processed dairy products at all
If your goal is to achieve good health, go for a dairy free diet and find your calcium in other places
If you want to achieve your weight loss goals in a manageable, livable fashion, and are searching for suggestions for a dairy free diet, you will find this and much more at
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