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Diet Solution Program for Better Health


When you live a sedentary lifestyle and your everyday diet is filled with junk, you can't possibly feel your best. A diet solution program that incorporates healthy eating with regular exercise will improve your health and help you feel better about yourself
Eliminate Processed Foods from Your Diet

When foods are canned, dried, frozen, dehydrated and boxed they are filled with chemicals and other additives. These additives are designed to do things like preserve the foods, lengthen shelf-life, inhibit mold growth, prevent bacteria, create colors and improve taste
The chemicals used in processed foods are too numerous to name. The ingredient labels only tell part of the story. Manufacturers are not required to list every single ingredient they use in processed foods
Even though the chemicals in processed foods are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), some of them are known to have cancer-causing properties. When you eat these types of foods, the toxic chemicals get into your body and put you at risk for life-long health problems
Examples of processed foods to eliminate from your diet include
• bread
• pasta
• frozen fish sticks and chicken nuggets
• frozen pizza
• cake mix
• lunch meats
• hot dogs
• canned meats
• dairy
• frozen vegetables
• cupcakes
• cookies
• pasta sauce

Not only do processed foods contain a laundry list of dangerous chemicals, they also contain processed sugar, salt and trans-fats. Processed sugar can contribute to weight gain, diabetes and hypertension. Too much sugar can also weaken the eyesight, lower your immune system and cause problems concentrating
The excessive amounts of salt contained in manufactured foods can contribute to high blood pressure, heart attacks and stroke. Trans-fats are made by a process called hydrogenation. This process alters the compound of the oil and turns it into a solid. This makes it ideal to use in baked goods and fried foods
Trans-fats can cause heart disease, clogged arteries and strokes. This ingredient is so unhealthy that some cities have banned its use in restaurants. Also, any food product that contains one or more grams of trans-fat per serving must indicate it on the label

Prepare Meals Using Natural Foods

Too many processed foods can make you feel sluggish and weighted down. If you are truly serious about
 improving your health, replace all of the processed foods in your diet with natural, whole foods. These foods are packed with the nutrients your body needs for good health
With all of the processed foods available on the market, preparing foods using only natural ingredients can seem pointless. However, knowing exactly what goes into your body is essential for you to stay healthy
Cooking with natural foods ensures the ingredients you use are free from unnecessary additives. Natural foods include lean meats, raw nuts, beans, fish, poultry, legumes, fresh herbs, and fruits and vegetables

Get Plenty of Exercise

Regular exercise can improve both your mental and physical health. Exercise strengthens the heart, improves the condition of the joints, builds endurance and improves flexibility. Regular exercise also boosts your mood, eases depression, helps control weight and reduces negative body image issues
Aim to get one hour of moderate-to-intense cardiovascular activity each day. Choose a cardio activity you enjoy. This will increase your likelihood of sticking to a regular workout routine. Some excellent cardio choices include biking, swimming, aerobics, kickboxing, fast-paced walking, running, elliptical training and jump rope
When you sit on the couch all day and eat junk, it makes you feel sluggish and tired. If you want to improve your health and feel your best, eat the right foods and make exercise a part of your every day life
A healthy diet solution program can help you drop those unwanted pounds. Learn how to lose weight and keep it off at
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