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Build a Chicken Coop Shed - Top Things You Must Know

If you are going to try and build a chicken coop shed, there are some vital things that you must be sure to do so that you can see the best results possible. Far too many people think they can get away without following a chicken coop shed building plan, but don't let yourself make this same mistake
It's absolutely vital that you don't make a few critical errors that could end up really costing you down the road. If you want a long lasting chicken house, the following information is important to know

Choose Your Size Carefully
The very first thing that you must do in order to see good results is to choose the size of the chicken coop shed very carefully. Far too many people end up using a size that's a bit too small and running into significant problems because of it
Remember, if your chickens feel overcrowded in their house, they are not going to lay fresh eggs for you
Just like you need room to move around your house and would feel cramped in if you lived in a single bedroom, the same applies for your chickens
Possibly the biggest mistake made by chicken farmers is not giving enough careful consideration to the size of chicken house they are building

Consider Mobile Chicken Coop Shed Options
Next up on our list of mistakes that are made is always using a standard chicken coop shed. Very often you'll see far better results with a mobile house, so that's something to consider. Certain people will really gravitate to this option, so check out a good guide that will help you learn what the best choice is for you
The last thing you want to do is go through all the hard work building your house and then find out it's not right for you. Make no mistake about it though, that scenario happens time and time again

Think About Used Materials
Finally, also be sure to spend some time carefully considering the building materials you'll be using. There are many used materials you can use to build your chicken coop with, but if you select the wrong types, that will impact how long the chicken coop shed lasts
Building materials is the place where you do tend to save the most money, so it's worth some serious thought but you must follow a building guide to help you determine exactly what types of materials you need given your own region. Climate, land forms, elevation - all of these will play a role on the materials that should be used
For the remaining three tips, check out this article on building a chicken coop shed on a budget.
Click here to read my review of Building A Chicken Coop
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